Language: Italian
No real progress yet on the employment thing. This has me, actually, kind of depressed, as in clinically. Also I've been kind of fevery and headachy for the last few days and haven't been sleeping well. So maybe I'm catching a cold or something too. Hard to tell.
Doesn't really matter, I suppose, but even so, I'm feeling pretty low. Also bored, and cranky.
On the plus side, a fern I've had since like October, which had been losing frond after frond after frond during the winter, has just begun to sprout new ones. This is very exciting, in a weird way. I've never had a fern before, and was under the impression that this was kind of a long shot. So it was nice to see it growing.
Also, the husband and I went to Cedar Rapids last Friday, because he had a thing to go to up there and I had nothing better to do, so we made a day of it and visited garden centers. I found a Chamaedorea metallica at Pierson's Flower Shop and Greenhouses (1800 Ellis Rd. NW, Cedar Rapids), which I had given up on seeing any in Iowa and figured I was going to have to order seeds from somewhere. So that was pretty cool. They also had a few Fatsia japonica, which I also haven't been able to find anywhere else and kind of wanted, but I didn't buy one of those, mostly because they'd let their smaller, cheaper specimens dry out to death. But even so, we're totally going back sometime.
This means that I now have two plants whose botanical names overlap with a band name: Chamaedorea metallica / Metallica and Ficus elastica / Elastica. That might actually be all there are, unless some scientist somewhere has just classified a Dieffenbachia bonjovi or a Dracaena devo or a Cissus bjorkiana or something. Which, by the way, some scientist should totally do.
The song has no connection to any of that (again). I just thought it was a nice idea. I hate the disposable razor ads that use this song, mostly for being omnipresent some time back (have they stopped those, or am I just not seeing them anymore?). Nothing wrong with the song in and of itself, though. Anyway.
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Advanced on the mountain,
burning as a silver flame,
the top of beauty and love,
and Venus was her name.
She has it!
Yeah, child, she has it.
I'm your Venus; they're the fire
to that desire of yours.
Its crystal eyes were its crews,
that render blackness to every man,
like a dark night
that obtained what no others have been.
She has it!
Yeah, child, she has it, that
fire. They are yours, Venus; I'm the
well of your desire.
Fire your Venus. I'm
your desire.
Advanced on the mountain,
burning as a silver flame,
the top of beauty and love,
and Venus was her name.
She has it!
Yeah, child, she has it, that
fire. They're yours, Venus; I'm the
well of your desire.
Fire your Venus. I'm
your desire.
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