Language: Russian
I'm not actually a fan of Aerosmith at all, really (I kinda like "Janie Got a Gun," and I would like "Crazy," "Cryin'," and "Amazing" except that all three are the same song, with different lyrics.1), but their songs are very co-operative when Babelpopped. I'm not sure how (or whether) to explain this.
A cursory search of the internet reveals two main theories behind the "real" meaning of this song.
1) One of the band members almost had sex with a man dressed as a woman, by mistake. (1a - or not by mistake. 1b - actually did have sex. 1c - more than one band member.)
2) The song is making fun of another musician. (2a - Bret Michaels, lead singer for Poison. 2b - Vince Neil, of Motley Crue. 2c - both. 2d - neither.)
1Listen to the choruses back-to-back sometime.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That, that, dude regards the lady
Which, which, dude regards the lady
Who, that, dude regards a lady
Who, that, dude regards a lady
Cruise on the coast into the rod.
Its image graced door grime,
it'll be a bite longer than love, lost on the first baby.
Which possibly you're incorrect, but you know you're entirely right;
that will be the the first rights, which –
Backstage we will have time
in our real life. "As long as someone's opinion of time
doesn't seem from the line. Forgive me if I'm too . . . ."
Then, she shook up her gun! She attempted to blow me absentee!
Never judge the book by its cover;
say you're gonna love to be a lover of love.
Her love wisely assumed a disguise for me:
she had a Venus body.
Lord! My surprise present!
So baby, it prevented me from following you down
(prevent me from accepting an expensive peek).
Baby, it prevented me from following you down
(make me, make me, make me entire night).
Baby, it prevented me from following you down
(turn another expensive cheek).
Baby, it prevented me from following you down
(make me, make me, make me, make me).
Ooo, that funky lady.
Ooo, she loves it as that.
Ooo – it was a lady!
Dude, dude, dude, the dude regarded the lady,
dude, dude, dude, the dude regarded the lady,
dude, dude, dude, the dude, viewed as a lady,
dude, dude, dude, the dude, viewed as a lady.
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