Language: Greek
Tom Petty has done all right for himself, given that he's not extraordinarily beautiful or talented. Discuss.
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Hey! Others don't come 'round here.
The other, it doesn't come 'round here, no.
Search anyone:
Hey! Others don't come 'round here, no.
I have given into the attitude.
I have given into the attitude.
I have given into the attitude.
Wait for the others: I have stopped.
This love takes in more power.
The others don't come 'round here, no.
The others don't come 'round here, no.
The others don't come 'round here, no.
The others don't come 'round here, no.
I feel another you;
my door darkens you.
Search anyone:
Hey! The others don't come 'round here.
I have stopped; I stop.
I have stopped; I stop.
I have stopped, so you stop. My emotions are mixed, and
I have stopped. I request that she finish the honey – recognize it.
Hey! No others come 'round here.
The other, it doesn't come 'round here, no.
The other, it doesn't come 'round here, no.
The others don't come 'round here, no.
That attitude walks under the road.
Others don't come 'round here, no.
Is it who you expected?
The others don't come 'round here, no.
Search anyone:
Hey! No others come 'round here.
Hey! I request the honey. The others don't come 'round here, no.
Search anyone:
(Ah, oh, ah, ah.)
The others don't come 'round here, no.
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