Probably not "pop" by any stretch of the imagination, but I've had this one for a while and wanted to get it out of the way. And it's a nice enough song. The picture is (I'm told) the album cover for the single.
My own personal associations with this song mostly center on the time when I first heard it, which was on a return visit to see Stan in Waco, Texas. This was 1999, I think. At some point in the evening, following grilled peppers, wine, and kebabs of some kind (possibly), the conversation turned to old albums, as conversations will sometimes do, and Stan's s.o. at the time, who I will refer to as L., put the "Big Science" album on and the three of us listened to it all the way through. Aside from that one song she did with Peter Gabriel, this was my first exposure to Laurie Anderson. I subsequently returned home and bought a large pile of Anderson's work on CD.
It was otherwise not a great visit to Waco, though I suspect "great visit to Waco" is an oxymoron of some kind. I was having some problems of the he's just not that into you variety at the time, and though it was nice to spend time with L. and Stan, being introduced to Laurie Anderson was probably the main takeaway from the trip.
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I met this guy - and it looked like his power was of checking ice roller helmets.
In actuality, I turned outside in order.
I would say: oh. Right again, boy.
Prevent X=X.
You know, they could be you.
This will be the blue sky,
satellites out of the night.
Prevent X=X.
You know, I could write the book.
And in this book there would be sufficient thinking to stun oxen.
Because I can see futures, and there will be a place, about 70 miles east of here,
where it lightens.
You will linger further over here.
Got time?
Prevent X=X.
I obtained this postcard.
And it read, she said: Expensive Amigo - Dear Participant. It listens to, uh – I want to say exactly thanks.
So... thanks.
Thanks in all present moments.
Thanks for introducing me to the leader.
Thanks for dressing me in feedbags.
Thanks for going after everything outside.
Thanks for showing me your Swiss army knife, and uh - thanks for preventing me from autographing your casting.
Hug and kisses. XXXXOOOO.
Oh yeah, P.S. I – I feel – I feel as - I - in the burning building - and I have to go.
Reason - I feel – I feel as – I'm located - in the burning building - and I have to go.
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