Language: Russian
I wouldn't say I'm "crazy" about the proportionately dressed person. Even "enthusiastic" might be going a bit far. But, you know, proportionate dress is better than disproportionate, I guess. Not counting Halloween, weddings, and other goth-centric occasions, of course.
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We do not know where to go.
Clean new boots, silk suit, and black connection,
I have reasons why. They come running exactly as rapidly,
because each girl is crazy about the proportionately dressed person.
The gold watch, the diamond ring,
I'm not missing a single thing.
Cufflinks, the knob stick;
when I take a step out, it goes inside.
I won't make you: they come running exactly as rapidly,
because each girl is crazy about the proportionately dressed person.
Upper coat, upper helmet, and we are not disturbed,
because of my fat. Black shadows, white gloves, the wallet.
I'm looking sharp, to look for the love. They come running exactly as rapidly,
because each girl is crazy about the proportionately dressed person.
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